The First Challenge - Citizenship
Posted: March 30 at 1:57 PM
Good Afternoon 2332! We hope physical distancing is going well and you are taking advantage of this time to recharge and virtually connect with those close to you. In these times of uncertainty, we should remember to make an effort to bring positivity to our friends, family, and community. This week's theme is citizenship and we're challenging all our 2332 family members to share a positive story. It can be local or global and everyone is welcome and encouraged to share something! Feel free to share on Instagram and tag it with #2332RCACC, share in the Facebook group or both! Thank you for doing your part to slow down the spread so we can get back to our regular schedules :) (and Please, do not forget to wash your hands!) Abigael C Lohnes Chief Warrant Officer 2333 Maj EJG Holland VC RCACC |
The Second Challenge - Remember VimyPosted: April 6th at 2:37 PM
April 9th is the 103rd Anniversary of Vimy Ridge. As we are unable to hold memorial services commemorating the battle, we are asking all Cadets and Officers to participate in the "Remember Vimy Challenge", proposed by Capt. Sheridan of 3064 RCACC in BC. Here is what you need to do on the 9th: 1) Be in your full ceremonial dress 2) Wear a poppy 3) At 8pm light a candle/Cell phone flashlight/Virtual candle 4)Take a picture of you in the act 5) Give 2 minutes of silence 6) Post the picture to the Corps Facebook/Instagram with #REMEMBERVIMY In the meantime, your challenge for the week is to work on your full dress uniform and get it in shape for the 9th. We would like YOU to post a picture of you working on a piece of your uniform in preparation for Thursday and post it to Instagram or Facebook page and tag 2332! Make sure to include the hashtag #2332rcacc Good luck and stay safe!” Abigael C Lohnes Chief Warrant Officer 2333 Maj EJG Holland VC RCACC |
The Third Challenge -