Green StarThe basics are taught and the youth learns what it's like to be a Cadet: bushcraft, citizenship, drill, fundamental training, leadership, marksmanship, public speaking and map & compass.
Red StarThe Cadet adds to their basic knowledge by advancing on the courses taught during the first year. The Cadet also learns first-aid.
Silver StarThe Cadet has mastered the basics and takes on more responsibility. They start to concentrate on leadership skills and learn how to teach cadets everything they have learned.
Gold StarThis is the last star level. The Cadet perfects their instructional abilities and moves into a leadership role at the Cadet Corps.
Master CadetCompleting all star levels, the Cadet can now be provided with theoretical knowledge and practical experience required to participate in Corps activities and appointments as an activity leader.
National Star of ExcellenceStarting in your Gold Star training year, you will be participating in the most comprehensive assessment system ever offered to Army Cadets in Canada. The National Star of Excellence (NSE) is an exciting challenge presented to all Army Cadets from the moment they start Gold Star.
The NSE is not a training level. It is a merit-based system that will be working in parallel to the training levels. Practically everything you do as a cadet will be taken into consideration. |