Dress Standards
New Dress Standards as of 01 Sep 2022

At all times, Cadets are expected to keep their uniforms in the best shape possible to show respect and pride to the organization and the Corps alike. Uniforms are provided free of charge, and every attempt is made to provide it to the Cadet within the first couple of weeks (subject to our supplier, Logistik Unicorp). In some cases, it may take additional time, as items may need to be ordered to size to properly fit the Cadet. Uniforms can also be exchanged free of charge for a different size as the Cadet grows. As such, it is implied that Cadets are responsible for their uniforms.
They must be kept clean and pressed, with boots shined and all badges and rank insignia properly fastened. Uniforms are property of the Cadet Corps and must be returned when the Cadet resigns or graduates from the program.
All Cadets are expected to wear the Royal Canadian Army Cadet (RCAC) uniform, as detailed in the new Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR) Dress Instructions when authorized to do so (see Orders of Dress above).
They must be kept clean and pressed, with boots shined and all badges and rank insignia properly fastened. Uniforms are property of the Cadet Corps and must be returned when the Cadet resigns or graduates from the program.
All Cadets are expected to wear the Royal Canadian Army Cadet (RCAC) uniform, as detailed in the new Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers (CJCR) Dress Instructions when authorized to do so (see Orders of Dress above).
Badge and Pin Placement
Highlights of the new CJCR Dress Regulations
(effective as of 17 Jul 2019)
1) Diagrams for Personal Appearance start on page 2-2-7
2) Starts on 2-2-1 - Appearance of Cadets - regarding: Beards, Moustaches, Ponytails, Body Tatoos, etc.
3) 2-2-3 - Eyeglasses / Sunglasses "12. Cadets, who normally wear eyeglasses, may wear either conventionally framed prescription sunglasses or conservatively styled clip-on sunglasses when conditions and circumstances dictate. Other cadets may wear conservatively styled sunglasses, which do not detract from the overall appearance of the uniform when conditions and circumstances dictate. Sunglasses shall not be worn on parade unless authorized by the CO in special circumstances. 13. Sunglasses with mirrored lenses are not authorized for wear."
4) 2-2-5, "28. Socks. Grey wool socks may be worn with boots and running shoes. Cadets may elect to wear their own personal socks, grey or black, wool, cotton or nylon, in lieu of the issued grey wool socks. Socks shall not be rolled down."
5) 2-2-5. "30. Multi-Purpose Boot. (see Figure 2-2-H) Intended for wear as environmental dress with the Cadet FTU / STU. Multi-purpose boots shall be cross laced and kept clean at all times. They may be blackened with boot polish but shall not be shone."
6) Annex B - Rank Insignia - available on 3B-1
7) Annex H - Insignia Placement - available on 3H-3 & 3H-4
8) 4A-1 - Positioning of Poppy: Please make sure you are wearing it properly - remember, placement is dependant on dress. If in civilians, it is to be placed over the heart as per the All-season jacket image.
9) Orders of Dress begin on 6-1-1; unit specific orders of dress can be found in the other attached document above"
*Note 1: 2332 Unit Specific Orders of Dress pulls from the following pages: p81, p86, p87, p89, p98, p99, p101, p105, p106, p108, p111, p115, p117, p119, p120, p122, p126, p127
2) Starts on 2-2-1 - Appearance of Cadets - regarding: Beards, Moustaches, Ponytails, Body Tatoos, etc.
3) 2-2-3 - Eyeglasses / Sunglasses "12. Cadets, who normally wear eyeglasses, may wear either conventionally framed prescription sunglasses or conservatively styled clip-on sunglasses when conditions and circumstances dictate. Other cadets may wear conservatively styled sunglasses, which do not detract from the overall appearance of the uniform when conditions and circumstances dictate. Sunglasses shall not be worn on parade unless authorized by the CO in special circumstances. 13. Sunglasses with mirrored lenses are not authorized for wear."
4) 2-2-5, "28. Socks. Grey wool socks may be worn with boots and running shoes. Cadets may elect to wear their own personal socks, grey or black, wool, cotton or nylon, in lieu of the issued grey wool socks. Socks shall not be rolled down."
5) 2-2-5. "30. Multi-Purpose Boot. (see Figure 2-2-H) Intended for wear as environmental dress with the Cadet FTU / STU. Multi-purpose boots shall be cross laced and kept clean at all times. They may be blackened with boot polish but shall not be shone."
6) Annex B - Rank Insignia - available on 3B-1
7) Annex H - Insignia Placement - available on 3H-3 & 3H-4
8) 4A-1 - Positioning of Poppy: Please make sure you are wearing it properly - remember, placement is dependant on dress. If in civilians, it is to be placed over the heart as per the All-season jacket image.
9) Orders of Dress begin on 6-1-1; unit specific orders of dress can be found in the other attached document above"
*Note 1: 2332 Unit Specific Orders of Dress pulls from the following pages: p81, p86, p87, p89, p98, p99, p101, p105, p106, p108, p111, p115, p117, p119, p120, p122, p126, p127